Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Welcome to my first Ever Blog!

Well here goes...my first ever blog post!  I'm not going to lie, the prospect of doing this has been extremely daunting, as I'm not in the slightest bit technically minded and fall out with my computer on a daily basis.  But as we live in an ever growing world of  endless social media, it's about time I jump on the band wagon and bare myself to the good people of the internet!

I have just started my second year studying an HND in Photography, I know what you must be thinking... 'a photographer who doesn't understand technology?'  but hopefully my images will convince you otherwise!

I'll start with some images I have taken in the past, to give you a sense of who I am and the kind of Photography I am drawn to.
I hope you like them! :)

I took this shot at a dare devil show about 2 years ago.  I knew he was going to be coming into shot performing yet another masterful trick, so I positioned the frame exactly where I wanted it and under exposed the image so that I would get the perfect silhouette.

I always thought this image would make a perfect wedding invitation.
If I had to name my images, I suppose I would call this one..

'Nature's True Love'

It always makes me smile when I see it! :)

I'm passionate about nature photography, I'll stand all day in a field (provided the suns out) and wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself, in this case it did.

These Images were all shot on my Lumix FZ150

Roisin x

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