Sunday, 14 December 2014

Experimenting with Exposure

Recently at college we have been given a series of exercises to capture some images, the first of which being exposure.  Our lecturer showed us some images that had been captured in RAW and each image had been under exposed by up to 2 stops.  The images were very dark and I couldn't really discern a lot from the them, then with some quick editing and they were perfect; the tones, colours, highlights and shadows.

I quite often capture images of under exposed sunsets, but I'm typically doing this for the silhouettes.  I would normally discard any images that have been under exposed, but now I know that they can still be saved.

Here's some images I took the other day in the glowing late afternoon sun...what beautiful weather we have had lately, perfect for getting out and inspired again! :)

 The first image was under exposed by -2 stops, and as you can see it's really dark.  Here is what I did in RAW editing, I then opened levels and adjusted the light to get the bottom result. 

The next image was shot using a UV filter and under exposed by -1 stop.  

 I did the same edits for this picture too, without having to use the recovery as the uv filter had already done the job of toning the sky correctly.

The next image was over exposed by 1 stop and pointed in the direction of the sun.  I wanted to get it as washed out as I could to see how much I could still recover...I'm very happy with this result too!

Here's the editing I did to achieve this...

I like to what extent I can now edit and correct images that I would normally deem useless, I'll definitely be using this editing a lot more in the future!


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