A lot of what I'm focusing on this year falls into 'Fine Art' and 'Food Photography'. I'm still unsure of what I want to do when I graduate later this year.. alarmingly it's not too far away now!. Do I start my own business, photographing what though even I'm still unsure...although people do pay for a photographer to simply be able to express themselves...don't they?? Or do I work in some sort of advertising or editorial role, with an agency or newspaper? The latter is clearly the more sensible route, but my problem is, I've never been a very sensible person! I Love what I do and the images I get to create, and creating them for other people gives me huge joy... I just don't know if I could work for someone in the sense of having a real job! I know this sounds silly and childish but I love working for myself. I've ran a successful business in the past so I'm confident I can make it work for photography, in the sense of having a knowledgeable business plan and confidence in my images, although the clear problem is cash flow, which with a steady job, wouldn't be an issue!!
We've recently been set a new advertising brief at college, so it's good to get a sense of the kind of things I would be asked to produce for a real client. We were given 5 choices within the brief, and I have chosen to portray the Nestle brand....we'll see how it goes!!

For one of my other briefs however we are focusing on the use of text and image. We had to produce a vintage and contemporary style poster to fit with the feel of our chosen subject... I chose to focus the brief on food and drink, so I have created some posters to advertise Bulmers Original Cider. Here is the poster I have created for the vintage look.
I have never been great with typefaces, and finding the right one for this style of advert was hard. I ended up choosing one that the Bulmer font is based on. Unfortunately I can't seem to successfully download the Bulmer font without it changing all the settings on my laptop to something completely different...I now have a default web browser called...Vosteran...where the hell has google gone? Oh well, I hope you like my first attempt at advertising, it can hopefully only get better!!