Monday, 26 January 2015

Advertising Photography

A lot of what I'm focusing on this year falls into 'Fine Art' and 'Food Photography'.  I'm still unsure of what I want to do when I graduate later this year.. alarmingly it's not too far away now!.  Do I start my own business, photographing what though even I'm still unsure...although people do pay for a photographer to simply be able to express themselves...don't they??  Or do I work in some sort of advertising or editorial role, with an agency or newspaper?  The latter is clearly the more sensible route, but my problem is, I've never been a very sensible person!  I Love what I do and the images I get to create, and creating them for other people gives me huge joy... I just don't know if I could work for someone in the sense of having a real job!  I know this sounds silly and childish but I love working for myself.  I've ran a successful business in the past so I'm confident I can make it work for photography, in the sense of having a knowledgeable business plan and confidence in my images, although the clear problem is cash flow, which with a steady job, wouldn't be an issue!!

We've recently been set a new advertising brief at college, so it's good to get a sense of the kind of things I would be asked to produce for a real client.  We were given 5 choices within the brief, and I have chosen to portray the Nestle brand....we'll see how it goes!!

For one of my other briefs however we are focusing on the use of text and image.  We had to produce a vintage and contemporary style poster to fit with the feel of our chosen subject... I chose to focus the brief on food and drink, so I have created some posters to advertise Bulmers Original Cider.  Here is the poster I have created for the vintage look.

I have never been great with typefaces, and finding the right one for this style of advert was hard.  I ended up choosing one that the Bulmer font is based on.  Unfortunately I can't seem to successfully download the Bulmer font without it changing all the settings on my laptop to something completely different...I now have a default web browser called...Vosteran...where the hell has google gone?  Oh well, I hope you like my first attempt at advertising, it can hopefully only get better!!


Saturday, 24 January 2015

My New Tripod!!

Look what I was given tonight...AS A GIFT!!  As it happens, I was sitting here tonight thinking I really want to get some long exposure shots of light at night, and how annoying it is not having a tripod; so I started searching online, pining for one... and one literally falls into my lap!!!  What can be better than that...especially in a week when I've had 2 hospital trips cause of a virus!! Didums I hear you cry!! ;)  But thanks to our lovely friends, I now have a brand new (to me) toy to go out and play with! So seeing as I'm feeling better, I'm off into the garden to get some long exposures of some stars hopefully - if not then I'll settle for some car tail lights!! ;)


Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Ho Ho Hogmany!!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!  

It's funny sometimes; growing up in Scotland and then living in England, it's easy to forget how differently we all speak!  The number of people I have had to explain to this week what Hogmany is, is hilarious!! (Even as I type, my computers telling me it doesn't even exist!)  It's not only that, I've lived in England for 5 years and this is the first time anyone has taken note of me saying it...haha thanks guys, nice to know you're all listening! ;)  But I did have a fabulous Christmas at home and  Hogmany was brought in with a family I was very close to growing up, and don't get to spend any time with now I live so far away, it was smashing!! ;)

I didn't actually manage to get any college work done over Christmas though, as I was just so busy all the's hard being the centre of attention when you go home! (Haha..yeah right!!)  But I'm on a serious guilt trip now, I really have to start cracking the whip!!  
I did however manage to get my nieces to sit still long enough on the 2nd, to do a little photo shoot of them; the excitement of the portable studio going up in the living room was enough get my 3 year old niece ecstatic, but that quickly ran out after 7 minutes!!  Here's what I did manage to get however!

I shot these freehand as, surprise surprise...I still don't have a tripod for my Canon!  
Unfortunately the shutterspeed wasn't quick enough so they're not all of the best quality.  I always feel under pressure when doing any studio work, so my work often suffers as a consequence of me not taking the time to set up correctly...I always think I have,  and I'm later proved wrong! I need to remember that I am still only a student and so it's ok to take my time as I'm still learning, and I'm not expected to know everything...yet!! 
