Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Ho Ho Hogmany!!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!  

It's funny sometimes; growing up in Scotland and then living in England, it's easy to forget how differently we all speak!  The number of people I have had to explain to this week what Hogmany is, is hilarious!! (Even as I type, my computers telling me it doesn't even exist!)  It's not only that, I've lived in England for 5 years and this is the first time anyone has taken note of me saying it...haha thanks guys, nice to know you're all listening! ;)  But I did have a fabulous Christmas at home and  Hogmany was brought in with a family I was very close to growing up, and don't get to spend any time with now I live so far away, it was smashing!! ;)

I didn't actually manage to get any college work done over Christmas though, as I was just so busy all the's hard being the centre of attention when you go home! (Haha..yeah right!!)  But I'm on a serious guilt trip now, I really have to start cracking the whip!!  
I did however manage to get my nieces to sit still long enough on the 2nd, to do a little photo shoot of them; the excitement of the portable studio going up in the living room was enough get my 3 year old niece ecstatic, but that quickly ran out after 7 minutes!!  Here's what I did manage to get however!

I shot these freehand as, surprise surprise...I still don't have a tripod for my Canon!  
Unfortunately the shutterspeed wasn't quick enough so they're not all of the best quality.  I always feel under pressure when doing any studio work, so my work often suffers as a consequence of me not taking the time to set up correctly...I always think I have,  and I'm later proved wrong! I need to remember that I am still only a student and so it's ok to take my time as I'm still learning, and I'm not expected to know everything...yet!! 


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